Most of The Engineers are Unemployed In India

First of i want to say that i am writing this blog as one of my friend to me to write a blog on unemployment in India, So i started research on that i got some information.
Please don't mind if this hurt to all of my friends.

These below are my collected information on why most of the engineers are unemployed in India.

2019 by some reputed news paper about 80% of engineers are unemployed.
2019 by same news paper 93% of MBA graduates are unemployed.
Now a days India produce 1.5 million of engineers every year.

what i studied that the reason of engineers are unemployed in India are

a. Too Many Engineering college with many student.

b. Lack of exposure.

c. No Discipline in colleges.

d. Lack of practical knowledge.

e. Outdated course structure in college.

f. Fake experience certificates.

g. Inexperienced teachers.

h. Fast increase population.

i. Very slow growth of Industrialization.

j. Demand is less but output is more.

But in case of software you can find a job as their is growing in market condition, where all of can get a rel event post with a good salary.

now its upto all of you what to choose and do.

you can find many more reasons behind this.. so it is better yourself to prepare well or else you also in list of unemployed engineers.