Tips To Be a Best Job Candidate

As we know their is less jobs openings in India. From every corner of India students are applying for job from due to flood of job application the recruiter is able to go through the best job application which is with precise and best matched with their requirements. One thing all job seekers keep in mind that when you are searching for jobs make you as a product and you have to sell your self in the market, so that only you can get a better job. here are some tips to be a best job candidates.

1. Where should i apply for job: Before applying for job be sure that your job application is perfect to view by employer. Keep study through many job searching sites and keep update daily for those sites so you never miss any. Most of fresher are unable to find a job best job sites by which 75% of students job application is not reached at the recruiter.

2.  Where should i work : This one of a big decision to be taken by all of job seekers, they are good in theoretical knowledge but when practical work comes most are unable to find a better place of work, they are not satisfied with their job, so always fix to where should start your career and keep a long journey.
             Look at the position of opening and what they want from a job application if that match with your profile and interest then only apply for that.

3. How i will write a best RESUME : While writing a RESUME give more attention to you skills, projects you did at your college, internship you attempted, training you did, and if you are a experienced candidates the job profile, working, duties. And a good resume shouldn't be more complex to write a best resume can go through this.

4. Show the recruiter how you suit for the job : Search the company profile, work, mission if the company work is matching with your qualification, experience and skill you have then try to attract the employer towards the same. so that the recruiter made interest to wards the job application.

5. Attitude : Having a good attitude make you hired by the employer easily. Respect the company, recruiter and the position your going to apply. Recruiter looks for the confident of the candidates and how will they are suitable for their team.

6. Impressive Dress : when you are getting call from company make sure that your dress code is good and impressive be try to look good from out. A professional dress tell the employer how much interest you have and how the job is important for you.

7. During Interview : At the time of interview make a good eye contact, language and voice should be audible and proper and better concentration towards the reply of your answer. Never try to cheat the recruiter by saying false things. 

8. Thank you : After the interview over that may be face to face or telephonic send a thank you message with a smile to the recruiter which indicates the proper ending of the hiring process.