Best Tips Before Attending Any Interview :

1. Prepare for the types of question your going to face from your background.
2. Go through the Company Profile.
3. Prepare for the test like Aptitude, Technical etc.
4. Prepare for Hr interview questions.
5. Prepare for the Question you can expect from your college project.
6. Stay calm and happy.
7. Take proper rest before attend ,so that you mayn't feel uncomfortable.
8. Make a Proper Resume which make the reader go through properly.
9. Dress appropriately.
10. Must take healthy Breakfast/Lunch.
11. Try to give best Impression.
12. Don't be impatient.
13. Make the Interviewer your suitable for the job.
14. Be Confident.
15. Never make False arguments.
16. Prepare for your Strength and weakness.
17. Prepare for giving a best reason why your suit for the job.
18. Good hobbies can give positive view.
19. Try to show your extra activities which work for company.
20. Make a plan before attempt.