10 Best Tips How to Get Rid of Pimples and Black spots

Hello friends now you no need to worry about pimples and black spot on face and body, as most of my friends and cousin ask me to write a blog on pimples. i gone through my decision what made me to get rid of pimples on my face and also researched through various doctor comments on pimples and through internet.  It’s a common things most of us at young stage are facing this stage, and after some days it disappears and starts again. Keep in mind that both pimples and black spots are take more time disappear it need consistent and regular care.

I will explain about
·       Why it happens and in which area of body.
·       On which year of life it will start.
·       How many day it will fully disappear.
·       Do or don’t for pimples.
·       Natural remedies.
·       What we will use.

Why it happens and in which area of body:
Pimples are appear on face or other part of body when our skin oil glands active and the pores present on skin become inflamed or clogged due to various reasons. Due to this after some days the bacteria’s present on this area get increases and cause the pimples size and no get increase. These are red wound filled with pus. Most of we see Pimples are appears on face and at anywhere on the skin like shoulders, chest and back.
On which year of life it will start:
In the age between 14 to 24 during life it start appears on skin, 80 percent of teenagers. And 5 percent of men and 15 percent of women are affected by pimples. It’s a common problem to all, some are affected at earlier and some are at later stages. No need to stress about this.

How many day it will fully disappear:
 Some are doctors, when you consult any private clinic agent will say that it will cure with in few days which is totally wrong, they are tell for getting money only. what I observed that it need more consistent and requires many days to get rid of this. It will disappears after some months, it may take year to complete.

Do or don’t basic for pimples:


·       keep skin from sun light as due to high light it will increase the pain and red colour.
·       One main cause of pimple appearance is don’t having a proper diet so it need to take care of food for which we should eat timely
·       To get rid from pain you can use fresh cold water and Use ice on this area.
·       Cleaning properly on this area is very important as to reduce dust particles and oil present on skin so I recommend you to wash these area as many time as possible in a day. Which will decrease the skin affection.
·       Sleeping is one of a problem with a less sleep which can increase temperature of body that promotes towards pimple so we need to sleep well.
·       Drink a 1litter of normal water after getup in morning which will maintain your body cool any proper cleaning of stomach.


·       Not touch these area if you’re continuously touching these areas then the fluids which are presents in sides the pops get spreader nearer to the affected areas and increases its nos.
·       As the one of main reason of pimple is clogged of oil glandes which are helping the oil particle’s present in skin to remove if we eat more oily food that will increase the oil percentage on skin so don’t eat oily food.
·       It recommended by most of best doctors to avoid mustard in food so don’t eat mustard in food.
·       Never try to squeeze the pimples the more you squeeze the more be the size and more be the nos.
·       Using of toothpaste
·       Don’t use any cosmetics on face without consult with doctors. If you use randomly any skin cosmetics then if that not suit on skin then that will be a big problem to your face.
Natural remedies:

The treatment which are we can get at home, which is a best way of get rid of pimples with a less price and no side effects. Please go through below treatment methods

 Tomato Juice
Need: some tomato
Help: it is one of natural way of home treatment which helps to reduce and decrease the growth.
How: All you need to do is mix tomato juice with honey and apply over those spots, Do this twice daily and wash after 10 minutes
No of times: Do this 3 times a weak.

Potato Juice
Need: some Potato
Help: It just helps to decrease the colour of those spots and doesn't heal the active pimples on the skin.
How: Apply over those spots and wash it after 10 minutes.
No of times: Do this steps twice daily till those spots get disappear. By this you get a fair face. 

Turmeric powder
Need: Two spoon of turmeric powder
Help: To get rid of black spots.
How: Make a paste of turmeric powder with honey and few drops of rose water. Apply this over those spots and wash after 10 minutes.
No of times: Do this daily once

Aloe Vera
Need: Aleo vera
Help: It helps to keep cool the skin and reduce the growth of pimples.
How: Remove the juice to a pot then apply on the pimple area and left for 10 minutes and wash it.
No of times times: It is good for your face as many time you can do it better.

Need: Two spoon of Honey
Help: Honey alone give a good solution to the dark spots.
How: Wash it after waiting 10 minutes.
No of times: Do this twice daily.

Sandalwood powder
Need: two spoon of sandalwood powder
Help: It disappears the black spot on face.
How: Take the sandalwood powder and then mix sandalwood powder with some drops of rose water to make a thick paste. use it on the dark spots.
No of times: Do this once in a day and wash after this just 10 minutes.
Lemon juice
Need: Two lemon
Help: This is one very difficult to apply on face. So don't use directly lemon juice without mixing with any other ingredients or else it may burn your skin.
How: Mix it with a small amount of honey and apply on the black spots. Wash this after 10 minutes
No of times: Try this one in a day.

Need: Glycerine
Help: It is a good cure for dark spots.
How: You can apply this by mix small amount of glycerine with aloe Vera gel apply over those dark spots. Wash it after 10 minutes.
No of times: Do this daily twice.

What we will use:
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