Reasons of Unemployment In India

                                There are many reasons of unemployment in India. You see after completion of graduate some got job through campus placement they are engaged with that organization, but those who are not get any job through campus placement they are engage with in some small scale industries or in other private jobs.

Out of these the rest ate preparing for Govt. job or else continuing their higher study with expecting , will they get a better job. But now a days due to many problems their is less job in India.

i have did many research regarding this reason of unemployment in India and sharing my thoughts.

Below are some reasons of unemployment in India,

With out having any experience people want more salary, by knowing that they have no knowledge on particular field.

Not showing interest towards startups, by thinking company will pay a less salary, and their will no growth this thinking also cause problem towards the company as due to less worker the startup company also unable to grow his size, as startup also want skill works.

If we say in Industries point of view, large scale industries are willing to take high skill worker by which fresher candidates are not getting any chance to entry a big company.

In case of some companies where their are not getting projects continuously by which they are force to remove some employee.

Insufficient money for investment cause an other big problem to wards any entrepreneur as they are having the ideas but they haven't sufficient money to invest.

As due to many case some companies growth slowly in business, by which they are unable to recruit worker for them.

Advance technology is a new growing cause which require a less worker to handle more work, by using different big advance machines those who are able to handle a large amount of work.

There is no new job by Govt. which is a big reason of unemployment in India, who are preparing for Govt. jobs.

If we see for Govt. as well in Private sectors the company force the employees to handle work of two employee by giving a less increment in salary, which reduce the vacancy for job seekers.

Last thing i want to say is corruption inside the both sectors, which they take money from the candidates and giving job to a less skilled employee/candidate by which the growth rate of sectors decreases as well the recruitment seat.

These above cause make many problems to a midle as well for a small family.

Now, freind you decide what to do nest. i am in search how to reduce this reasons of enemployment in India which i will post in my next post.

Thank YOU