Impression on First Day at Job

You rocked your processes of interview got job offer letter by showing best impression during Interview to the Hr manager. It also need how you are showing your impression on your team members and all other employee of the company.

Go through the following tips where you find the best way to make impression on first day at job.
1. Punctual : On the first day come early and try to stay late, which shows you are organized and giving value to work. Don't forget to follow the company cultures, be aware of this.

2. Positive attitude : Nothing is better than this on your first day at job, not take any personal problem at work, just give full focus on work and the team members related problem.

3. Dress : You like or not try to wear formal dress, with a good perfume. most of people judge you by out look. it will attract employee to start conversation with you. 

4. Talking : Be aware to whom your talking, manage to talk with all the senior and junior with proper way, don't argue and not try make fault with others. 

5. Remember Names : Try to remember all of your surrounding employee name faster so during talk as well during and any help names will give a impression towards employee.

6. Help : Be open mind during work, if some one asking for help,try your best to share information, if you need any help from your senior ask for help which doesn't show your weakness it shows strength.

7. Initiative : Take initiative in duties if you completed certain work then don't hide the boss be ready for next work and tell the boss regarding the job which make impression on first day at job to the boss.

8. Make Notes: Make a notes on company working culture, job you did, pending work, team progress on daily basis etc. which will give a best idea what to do on next day at work.

9. Learn : Learn the new things which you find first time and learn about the company work as fast as you can. learn from the employee of the company and seniors.

10. Politics : As we know a work place are full of politics try to avoid politics inside company do your work complete and stay calm. don't interfere with any ones work.

11. Personal problem : Don't involve your personal problems in work, and try to avoid phone call and any other personal problems. Also don't share your personal information to others.

12. Talk less : Talk less and listen more from others and don't be a first person to start some new topic during meeting always appreciate all views from others,

13. Ready : Be ready for next work, don't show your disappointment as by doing a lot of work, and the mistake done by others. show your positive attitude  to other work.

14. Goals: Be prepare with your work related goals, try to manage works on time. or before the time be organized all time during work.

15. Meetings : Always attempt the meetings at company, which make you easy to known by people.
if you have new thought and idea share on the meeting with other which give you a best impression.

16. Lunch : Take your lunch with your co-workers and invite them for lunch , which will make you understand about the company culture.

17. Confident : Be confident on your work, which increase strong believe with your co-workers. from the next work you doesn't lose co-workers help, the will start following you.

18. Don't take personal : Due to your mistake if some senior scold you then take as a advise and try to learn from that. Say thank you for his advise.

19. Update : Be update on each work your doing to senior, and learn the advice given by senior new things which help you during your job.

20. Last Job : Talk well about your last job you did don't talk any wrong you did at your last job. don't share the company information's
of your last job.